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My Breast Cancer Journey

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fall Planting

It's already time to get broccoli in for fall, and I haven't even got a ripe tomato yet. But that's the beauty of gardening. There's always tomorrow.

I really enjoyed preparing this little spot. Carrots had been pulled out last week. I shoveled the top 6 inches or so of soil into my wheelbarrow and mixed that with a half bag of steer manure I had laying around. I then spread out a layer of yard and kitchen waste that I loosely chopped into the loamy-clay earth I've got going on under these beds. Watered it good then started returning my soil/steer manure mixture to the bed. About half way through, I spread a thin layer of 3-4-3 Happy Frog Jump Start fertilizer.

The soil I ended up planting in was rich, brown loamy goodness. I LOVE raised bed planting. I think I get the best of both worlds because I'm making use of the nutrient-rich clay soil underneath, while building a good layer of composty yumminess on top. Hopefully, these new little broccoli will enjoy it!

It's a jungle out there!

Whatever I'm doing to my soil it's apparently working. This year's garden is a jungle. Al mentioned that we've never had such prolific tomatoes. They are taller than me!

And despite some crappy tomato weather, they are producing a decent crop of fruit:

It's just that nothing has turned red yet. Crossing my fingers we get another 60 days of "summer" so I can at least enjoy a late bounty.

I have learned, however, not to grow zucchini on an "inside row" again. I can't even get through here. In the future, I need to plant them on the perimeter of the garden. While I like to see the lush plants, I don't need this jungle I've managed to create this year.

Both my tomatoes and green beans have outgrown their trellises this year. I'm not sure what to do with them other than let them go and see what happens. I've got nothing taller to tie them to. Though I am thinking seriously about an arbor for beans.