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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Bloomin' Labor Day

Sunflowers are taking over the garden.

They're towering up to the sky.

And spilling over the trellises.

All except for this guy, who has been pouting ever since he bloomed.

But my jewel of the garden this summer is the morning glory. I grew these from seeds and they're marvelous.

I love the variety of color (click on the picture to see it full sized). 

Wish they would stay all year.


  1. be careful what you wish for and do not, I repeat do not ever plant a perennial morning glory!

  2. I love morning glories and sunflowers--such a cheery garden.

  3. LOL, we've actually got perennial morning glory on the other side of the house. I don't mind it because it's easy to cut back. It's the potato vine behind the garbage cans I'm worried about. I expected to have to trim it occasionally to keep it in check. My fear is that "occasion" might end up being weekly! Ack!
