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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Bird Bath Project

I have two of these:

I bought them years ago to use as planters. They never worked well as planters because the dirt dried out too fast, so they've been sitting empty for years while I tried to figure out what else to do with them.

Behold, the bird bath.

My newly landscaped side yard needs some accoutraments, so I'm starting a project to use one of these planters as a base for a bird bath. All I have to do is fashion a top for it. Obviously, this will involve concrete and tiles, and so far, I've been in the design phase.

Since the base is Roman in design, I searched the internet for Roman patterns and came up with this:

I'm thinking about copying the thing tile for tile.  It's quite convenient that it is a photo of a mosaic and I suppose as long as I don't try to sell my bird bath, I can't get sued for plagerism.  I'm even sticking fairly close to the color scheme as I want to coordinate my colors with the base as much as possible.

Anyway, I think this will be cool.  Here is the view of the bird bath from the kitchen window, so the pattern on the top will be appreciated on a daily basis.  

I only need this rain to stop so I can get my hardware cloth out and start constructing a shallow dish.

Stay tuned!


  1. Hi Lori!
    I found your blog on the blog roll post on the GardenWeb. I love your idea for a birdbath!! What a great project. I can't wait to see how it progresses. I've been wanting to make mosaic stepping stones for my garden for years. You'll have to share your mosaic tips and tricks during your project!


  2. Thanks, Amy! I do have some posts here where I've made stepping stones. It's how I started out before progressing to sculptures and such. If you click on the "Garden Art" label on the left hand column, you will find them there.

    And I've learned a LOT on the GardenWeb. There's a thread under "Home Forums" called Mosaic and Stained Glass. Most of it is mosaic and concrete work. Please visit sometime! The ladies there (including myself) love to share wisdom!

  3. lori,I really enjoyed this,very good Idea,Ive been wanting to make a bird bath,I found a pedalstal (spch) at the dump somewhat that could be used for a birdbath,it was of a cherub holding a planter but the planter was broken off.Your idea here is helping me with it,staying tuned

  4. Thanks, Tom! I have made a little progress on how to make the top. Today or tomorrow, I will put up another post about my plan. Then, time will have to tell whether or not it's going to work. LOL
