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My Breast Cancer Journey

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My new favorite thing

Yes, it's just a dumb little $9 wind chime I bought at Cost Plus Imports, but I love it!  It's hanging from my workshop and puts out this beautiful little sound that's not too quiet, not too loud.  Just right.

I could go crazy with wind chimes....but I won't.  I realize this is something where too much of a good thing ruins it all.  But it's so tempting.....


  1. i know exactly how you feel, i LOVE mine. btw this is 'ladybugs mom' from gardenweb, and i love your blog! it's time for me to get back to posting but have a few more weeks of chemo. 'see' you around :)

    ~ angela

  2. Hey Angela, thanks for visiting my blog. I did't know you were battling an illness, I'm so sorry. I wish you a full and strong recovery, and am looking forward to sharing in your gardening ventures! We've finally got something that resembles summer. It's wonderful, isn't it?

  3. Congrats on your cheap find! $9 is a great price for something that's soothing!
