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Friday, June 17, 2011

Our Spring Landscaping Project is Done!

And I'm exhausted.  This was five weekends of hard labor converting this area from a weedy lawn into a bed of shrubs that will need minimal water and maintenance from here on out.  Going forward, it will have been worth it, but right now, I'm pretty tired of hauling dirt, rock, bark, digging holes, watering down cardboard and setting up irrigation.

As you can see, this is our side yard.  Most of the landscaping was done with the view from the kitchen window in mind.  However, when it was all done, we discovered that you can see a decent bit of it when sitting on our back patio.

My plan is to make a path of colorful, oversized stepping stones that I'll embed in the rock.  I can't wait to start making those.

And if you can believe it, this whole project got started because I began making concrete and mosaic garden art, and at one point, I realized I didn't have anywhere nice to put my artwork.  Aside from my vegetable garden, the rest of the back yard was nothing but weedy lawn.  So the last thing I did today was put my butterfly in his natural habitat:

We've still got lots of yard to landscape, but I am officially taking the rest of the year off.  From now on, my weekends will be spent making art, tending to my vegetable garden, vacationing and relaxing!!


  1. it looks incredible. Congrats

    Happy Gardening,
    -Kristina K.

    Farm Wife

  2. Thanks, Kristina! Did I mention I'm glad it's done? Though once I stop being tired, I'll probably fill in with more annuals. Gardening is never "done".

  3. Very very nice,it looks wonderful

  4. Lori - I'm enying how much you've accomplished! It looks great. Also, took a moment to "catch up" on your blog and loving the mosaics - shroom & butterfly. I'm going to go continue browsing now...

  5. Thanks, Tommy and Maggie (it's Maggie, right?). I'm glad you're enjoying the blog!

  6. OMG! It looks fantastic! We've been working on ours for 3 years and it's still not finished. We're probably a lot older than you are. We've really slowed down in our old age.

  7. Thanks, Laura! I confess, on more than one occasion we discussed hiring someone to come finish this. We'll be 50 next year, and I'm definitely in the know on that slowing down thing. ;-)
