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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Early Morning Garden Review

Green beans at the one-week stage 

Squash at about 2 weeks after seed starting.  I had to replant some of them because birds got to them.

The tomatoes I started from seed on 3/1 are at the 90-day mark, responding well to this warm weather we've been having.  They're starting to flower, though rain is predicted for Monday.  I hope that doesn't halt this great progress.

Carrots are just starting to get their first true leaves.   This is about 20 days from seed start.

 Peppers are slow to start, as they always are, but they're making progress.  These were started the same time as the tomatoes, on 3/1.  Tiny for 90 days!

And I'm still harvesting the cabbage and broccoli from my spring garden. 


1 comment:

  1. Holy crap! Those are your tomatoes already?! I must not show John this photo. We planted ours about 2 weeks later than you & ours don't look half as good.
