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My Breast Cancer Journey

Friday, December 22, 2017

One Year Later

Gosh, it's 6:39 on a Friday night, I'm baking Christmas cookies and it just occurred to me that today is the one year anniversary of the dreaded call from my doctor that derailed my entire 2017.

I feel like I should put up a blog post about it, something thoughtful and intuitive, maybe inspirational and funny.  Unfortunately, I've been so absorbed in work, in our holiday plans, in shopping and baking and playing with Bad Kitty that I haven't thought up a solitary thing to say about it.

Which, when you think of it, says it all.

You go through shit, then you move on.  And if you're lucky, one year later you can be so over it that the significance of the date completely escapes your radar.

A few short weeks ago, I had my first follow-up mammogram.  It was clear.  My surgeon gave me an exam and said "See you in a year".  So there you have the bookends of this ordeal.  It started with one doctor asking, "Are you sitting down?" and ended with another doctor saying "See you in a year."  All the shit in between is the stuff that keeps you grounded, makes you realize what matters in your life, makes you appreciate the things you have and the people who love you, and makes you want to be a better friend and family member to others in return.

And it makes you want to do more living.

So Merry Christmas, everyone, and Happy Holidays.  My wish for all of you--many of whom are going through shit of your own thanks to the events of 2017--is that you'll be in this place eventually too:  Grateful, healthy, and out the other end determined to some serious living!

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