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Friday, July 31, 2020

Coming Soon: The Tomato Series

If there's an upside to Covid-19, it's the newfound interest in home gardening.  Though it made garden supplies scarce this year, I'm excited so many are giving this hobby a try.  I hope for most, it won't be short-lived but a life-long venture into growing your own produce. 

Vegetable gardening can be a great joy--but also a great disappointment (often both at the same time!)--regardless of whether you're tilling out a plot of land or just setting out a couple wine barrels.  Size doesn't matter!  But it's the determined gardener who succeeds.

So after nearly 30 years of gardening in Sonoma County, I've got a blog series planned to share what I've learned, starting with the Veggie Garden Queen:  The Tomato!

Normally, a series on growing would start at the beginning:  Soil prep, seeds vs plants, what varieties to choose, etc.  But given it's nearly August--too late to start if you haven't already--I'll start the series with subjects targeted to those who already have plants in the ground this year, and what you should be doing to keep those plants healthy and thriving through October--possibly even Thanksgiving!

So the topics I'll go over first will include:
  • Fighting Mildew In Our Dreaded Coastal Fog
  • Feeding, Fertilizing and Watering
  • Pests and How To Evict Them
  • Preserving Without Canning

And that's just for starters!

So I hope you will join me in this venture.  If you aren't growing tomatoes now, maybe I can inspire you to try them next year.  If you are, there is no such thing as TMI when it comes to gardening success.

Until then, Happy Growing!